Russian Lessons – Time Zones

Learn Russian with Russian from Russia! These are stories about Russian customs and traditions, history and other things that are well-known to most people in Russia.

Time in Russia is governed by the Federal Law “Об исчислении времени”, according to which, since October 26, 2014, 11 time zones have been established.

Переход на летнее время does not apply (the seasonal clock was cancelled in 2011).

The boundaries of time zones pass along the borders of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Each entity of the federation is included in one time zone, with the exception of Yakutia, whose territory is in three time zones (MSC + 6, MSC + 7, MSC + 8).

Время в России – Russian Lessons – Time Zones
KALT Калининградское время MSK–1 (UTC+2)
MSK Московское время MSK (UTC+3)
SAMT Самарское время MSK+1 (UTC+4)
YEKT Екатеринбургское время MSK+2 (UTC+5)
OMST Омское время MSK+3 (UTC+6)
KRAT Красноярское время MSK+4 (UTC+7)
IRKT Иркутское время MSK+5 (UTC+8)
YAKT Якутское время MSK+6 (UTC+9)
VLAT Владивостокское время MSK+7 (UTC+10)
MAGT Магаданское время MSK+8 (UTC+11)
PETT Камчатское время MSK+9 (UTC+12)

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