Learn Russian -НИБУДЬ, -ТО, -ЛИБО, -КОЕ. Learn Russian with Russian from Russia!

In your comments you asked me to make a video about using -НИБУДЬ, -ТО, -ЛИБО, -КОЕ, and today I’ve made it 🙂

When you are speaking about a thing or a person, or a place that actually exists, but you don’t know its identity, you will use pronouns, adverbs and adjectives combined with -ТО .

When you are speaking about a thing or a person, or a place that hasn’t been yet identified or hasn’t been yet chosen, you will use adjectives, pronouns and adverbs combined with -НИБУДЬ. -НИБУДЬ implies that there is an element of choice from several alternatives.

And what about -ЛИБО and -КОЕ? When should you use these particles? I explain all of that in the video 🙂

After watching this video, you will fully understand this concept of this Russian grammar concept and be able to correctly use all these particles.

One important thing: the indefinite pronouns decline according to their function in the sentence, but the particles don’t decline, they are always in the same form: кто – нибудь, от кого – нибудь, etc.

If you would like to check another video from this series Russian Grammar and Vocabulary, please check my Youtube, for example here .