Russian Cases – Genitive Plural. Learn Russian Language Grammar with Russian from Russia! Russian Cases made easy 🙂

It’s not easy to remember the six Russian cases’ endings. That’s why I’ve started my new Russian lessons series “6 Minute Cases Drill”. I hope these videos will help you to get used to the Russian cases.
Today we’ll practice plural forms of the genitive case, which is the most used and probably the most complex case in Russian because it has many different endings that are easily confused by students. Russian Cases – Genitive Plural video will help you memorize them.

Do you think Russian cases are difficult? If cases don’t exist in your native language, it’s fine that you are confused at the beginning and that you are not sure if you can actually understand it. But don’t worry. You will.

The main function of the Genitive case is to show possession. In English, it is expressed by the preposition ‘of’ or an apostrophe (‘s).

Prepositions that we use with the Genitive case are: от, до, для, из-за, у, без, ради, вокруг, око­ло, мимо

If you would like to practise Genitive Singular, check this video

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