Russian Cases – Prepositional. Learn Russian Language Grammar with Russian from Russia! Russian cases made easy 🙂
It’s not easy to remember the six Russian cases’ endings. That’s why I’ve started my new Russian lessons series, called “6 Minute Cases Drill”. I hope these videos will help you to get used to the Russian cases. Today we’ll practice the Prepositional case.
Prepositions that we use with Prepositional are: при, в, на, о/об.
When talking about location, the preposition “в” (in) is mostly used for buildings and enclosed spaces.
The preposition “на” (on/at) is mostly used for open spaces.
Где лежит книга? – Книга лежит на столе.
Где мальчик сидит? – Мальчик сидит на стуле.
О ком ты говоришь? – Я говорю о моем друге.
When answering question ‘where’, you use the Prepositional case. However, when answering question ‘where to’, you use the Accusative case.
Pronouns – Russian Prepositional Case
(Обо) мне – (about) me
(О) тебе – (about) you
(О) нём – (about) him
(О) ней – (about) her
(О) нём – (about) it
(О) нас – (about) us
(О) нас – (about) you (Plural)
(О) них – (about) them
After watching Russian Cases – Prepositional, you can check another case drill: Dative
If you would like to practise Prepositional, you can find an exercise to practise this grammar at the website