Learn Russian: Burning Maslenitsa
Learn Russian with Russian from Russia!
This is the 2d video about celebrating Maslenitsa – an Eastern Slavic religious and folk holiday. Have you ever heard of burning Maslenitsa? Today I’m talking about that. I hope it will be an interesting lesson ‘Learn Russian: Burning Maslenitsa’ 🙂
Maslenitsa is an East Slavic traditional holiday celebrated during the week before Lent, retaining a number of elements of Slavic mythology. In the folk calendar of the Eastern Slavs, the holiday marks the border of winter and spring, as well as the period of eating meat and Lent. The date of this holiday changes every year depending on the date of the celebration of Easter. The main traditional attributes of the national celebration of Maslenitsa are: чучело Масленицы, забавы, катание на санях, гулянья, блины и лепёшки. In the calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church, this period is called Сырной седмицей.
Поговорки (Sayings):
Не всё коту Масленица, будет и Великий пост.
Не по все дни свадьба, не всегда коту Масленица.
If you would like to further improve your knowledge, you can check my audio podcast about Russian Verb жарить with Prefixes or my other video lesson on my channel Первый полдень 2019