Learn Russian through Poetry Ep.3 – This is the 3d video of the unique Russian Grammar and Vocabulary through Poetry series. And today we are working through a very famous poem by Alexander Blok, “Ночь, улица, фонарь, аптека…” (“Night, street and streetlight, drugstore…”).
Ночь, улица, фонарь, аптека,
Бессмысленный и тусклый свет.
Живи ещё хоть четверть века —
Всё будет так. Исхода нет.
Умрёшь — начнёшь опять сначала
И повторится всё, как встарь:
Ночь, ледяная рябь канала,
Аптека, улица, фонарь.
Night, street and streetlight, drug store,
The purposeless, half-dim, drab light.
For all the use live on a quarter century –
Nothing will change. There’s no way out.
You’ll die – and start all over, live twice,
Everything repeats itself, just as it was:
Night, the canal’s rippled icy surface,
The drug store, the street, and streetlight.
(1912) Trans. by Alex Cigal
The previous episode you can watch here: Intermediate Russian through Poetry (Ep.2)
The PDF-transcript and mp3 of this video ‘Learn Russian through Poetry Ep.3’ is available at