Learn Russian Online – History

Learn Russian with Russian from Russia! This video is for those who learn Russian and who are interested in Russian history. Today I’m talking about Princess Olga.

So, I want to talk with you a little about history, about Russian history.
I think that this should be interesting to those who learn the Russian language, right?

How did ancient Russia appear? ( Древняя Русь ) Learn Russian Online – History 🙂

Here I have a book called “Повесть временных лет”, of course, this is a translation from the Old Russian language, and it is believed that this is the earliest source of historical texts about Russia. People also call this book “Несторова летопись”, because it was written by monk Нестор (Nestor).

Princess Olga is an interesting historical figure. In this video, I will tell you a story about her, and I think you will be amazed by some of the events, that I’m going to describe. I’m not going to write about it here, I don’t want to spoil your watching 🙂

If you would like to further improve your vocabulary, check my audio podcast Russian Verbs from Russia or my other video lessons on Youtube – Russian from Russia.