Mistakes To Avoid When Speaking Russian
Learn Russian with Russian from Russia!
It’s not about grammar, it’s about communication. I will talk about These are mistakes to avoid when speaking Russian.
If you make these mistakes, I think nobody will point them out to you (probably your Russian tutor will do). To be on a safe side though, it’s best to avoid making them.
Sometimes a person knows grammar very well, builds absolutely correct sentences, makes no grammatical mistakes, but gets into awkward situations. I want to talk about such mistakes with you today. There are three such mistakes. Foreigners, who come to Russia and begin to speak in Russian, make them very often.
I will write about one of them here, and the rest you can check in the video 🙂
If you are a student, you are in the class and you want to call your teacher, what should you say? You will not say: ‘Teacher!’ It will sound awkward to a Russian. You should address a teacher by his name and patronymic. For example, I’m Anna Nikolaevna – my name is Anna and my patronymic is Nikolaevna because my father’s name is Nikolai.
If you would like to further improve your knowledge, check my audio podcast about Russian Verbs differences or my other video lesson about 2 Necessary Words .